Friday, 6 March 2009

What a busy few days

Let's just say that things have been rather busy and hectic over the past few days - hence no posting.

What we haven't managed to do is get near our big field and start planting potatoes, broad beans or wheat. Sadly the field has remained to wet for harrowing as it could cause compaction of the soil which would not be of much help. The good news is that things look like they have dried out a bit and the field should be sorted this weekend - fingers crossed as we are starting to get a bit behind the planting schedule there.

So if we haven't been doing anything in the big field then what have we been doing?

Well we've started planting all sorts of seed in the raised beds in the garden; shallots, garlic, radish, lettuce, spinach, red cabbage, peppers & chillis. We've also got some celery seeds and tomato seeds in the propagator inside.

Secondly (AND THIS IS A BIG ONE) we've been investigating and negotiating to take on two fields of 2.5 acres each (so 5 acres in total). Both fields are a few 100 metres from the allotment field. So what would we do with these fields you might ask...............

The answer is sheep! We will be looking to have 6 ewes that should produce some lamb next year (it seems that the planning cycles are pretty long when dealing with veggies and animals - something we're having to get used to). All very exciting indeed, but another huge learning curve! If it all goes to plan we'll take possession of the fields by the end of next week. We'll then have to get the fencing sorted and make sure that it is all ready for the ewes when they arrive.
We are currently looking at the Black Welsh Mountain breed. They look great, are quite hardy and hopefully suitable for beginners. Luckily we have a friend that knows tons about sheep and has offered lots of guidance & help - this really has helped enormously!

Expect to see some pictures arriving some time this weekend.

ps. Chicken are doing very well, but no eggs yet...hopefully soon.

Cheers for now.

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